communication n. 1.通讯,通知;交换;信息;书信,口信,通报。 2.传达,传授;传播;传染。 3.交通,交通机关;联系,连络(设备)。 4.【宗教】接受圣餐。 a means of communication交通工具。 communication equipment 通讯设备。 cut off communication 切断连络[通讯]。 have no communication with 与…无联系[不通信息]。 in communication with 与…连络[通信息]。 privileged communication 【法律】 1. 法律准许不外泄的内情。 2. 法律准许作为证词而提供的内情〔不构成诽谤罪等〕。
direct adj. 1.笔直的,一直线的;正面的。 2.直接的。 3.直截了当的,直率的,明白的。 4.直系的,正统的。 5.【语法】直接法的。 6.【天文学】由西向东运行的。 7.(不用媒染剂)直接染色的。 a direct road 直路。 direct rays 直射光。 direct vision 直视。 direct pressure 正面追击;【物理学】定向压力。 direct proportion 正比例。 direct tax 直接税。 direct action 直接作用;直接行动〔如罢工、商品抵制等行动〕。 direct relatives 直系亲属。 a direct address 称呼。 direct motion 顺行。 adv. 笔直,一直,直接。 vt. 1.(把…)针对(某人),把…指向某人 (at; to; towards);暗指着说。 2.指挥,指导;【美剧、影】导演;命令;管理,掌管;支配。 3.指点某人,为某人,指示方向。 4.寄(信等)给,写寄发地址。 I directed my remarks to you. 我的话是暗指你说的。 direct a business [campaign] 指挥业务[战斗]。 a film directed by ... 某人导演的影片。 Will you direct me to the station 请问车站往哪里走? D- the letter to my business address. 请把这封信寄交我的办公地址。 vi. 指挥,指导,管理。 as directed 照说明,按处方。
Please click on the icon below for our direct communication online 请点击下列此图标,我们可以直接在网上沟通!
But com does n ' t accomplish the direct communication of many clients in multicast communication 但在群组通信中, com无法实现多个客户之间的直接通信。
Faith is the element , the " chemical " which , when mixed with prayer , gives one direct communication with infinite intelligence 信心一旦结合了祈祷,便成了一个人与宇宙大智直接沟通的触媒。
Instead , peers know only of the peers with which they are in direct communication - they participate in the larger network vicariously 相反,对等点只知道直接与它们通信的对等点它们通过代理参与到大型网络中。
You really hit the nail on the head when you said that there needs to more direct communication between the office staff and the executive management 你说得很正确,公司全体职员和行政管理间需要有更直接的联系。
Due to the limitations of swing and swt interoperability , direct communication such as event handling between the two is difficult to achieve 由于swing和swt互操作性的限制,难以获得这二者之间的直接通信(如事件处理) 。
This approach solves the problem of packet collision but also prevents the attached devices from establishing direct communication with each other 这种方式解决了包冲突的问题,但是同时也阻止了附加的设备彼此建立直接通信。
Creative imagination : - through the faculty of creative imagination , the finite mind of man has direct communication with infinite intelligence 创造性的想像力:就是借由创造性想像力,使人类有限的心灵可以直接和无限的大智沟通。